Tuesday 25 December 2007

Screen Buzz: Another 'Copy-Case' On MS Raju

MS Raju has faced a copy-allegation when he made the film Aata. That was proved to be the copy-cat from 'Gudumba Shankar'. Veera Shankar, the owner of the original story made big hue and cry on MS Raju for that. The issue was settled somehow.

Now the new allegation is about the music for the film 'Vaana'. Nookarapu Surya Prakasha Rao bought the remake rights of Kannada hit 'Mumngaru Mele', and MS Raju is making the film in Telugu by keeping Suryaprakasha Rao as his partner. The film is a debut for MS Raju as director. Recently the music of 'Vaana' was released and a few tunes were directly picked up from Kannada music director Mano Murthy who gave tunes for Mungaru Mele. There is no acknowledgement for Mano Murthy on the cassette as well.

Kamalakar gave music for the film 'Vaana'. Now the proposal from Mano Murthy's side is to add his name in title cards of the film under 'Music Director'. Will MS Raju takes it serious or will he ignore it has to be seen.

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