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Dasari Narayana Rao - though is experienced personality in both politics and in film industry sometimes goes out of his way when he is talking in public. When he sees public before him, he thinks to be a good spokesperson or intelligent person, he praises event for which he is called for and he doesn't control himself over there, then he attacks somebody with his statements. He tries to make it a news finally results in non sense speech. Most of the people take him to be a loose tongued man and doesn't give much importance to his speech, thats what has happened today, though he tried to comment on a particular party and person with caste politics, if public would have taken it serious then things would have been different today. Public has judged Dasari tactics of speech which will have a political motto behind. He stated that N T R is an individual as well a great force with which he formed government in just 9 months, he immediately said he is not here for publicity but speaking of history. How can he refer an opposition party leader and praise him when he is representing Congress Party. As an invitee he should have finished his job and left the dais, he made it a political stunt, there were many other topics which he could have referred to. A Congress leader commented that with his speech he forgot about protocol, feelings of Congressmen. A T D P sympathizer stated that Dasari is a great time server, no one can guess the logic behind praising Balakrishna, he never does it until he has some advantage edge